big, Huge, COLOSSAL News!!!!

A couple weeks ago I got the call. The call I’ve been waiting for for over five years – five very long, frustrating, full-of-rejections years. The call from my amazing agents at Literary Counsel that I had a book deal (ahhh!). It’s always a surreal moment to experience the thing you have been dreaming about so earnestly, for so long. 
I managed to keep it together while on the phone, but as soon as I hung up there was some pretty ugly crying, then some running through the house screaming with my 4 year old and 2 year old laughing at me, then there was jumping on the bed and several phone calls to family.


I have a three book (a trilogy) contract with new publisher Jolly Fish Press. I signed the papers on Friday, June 1, 2012…

Me signing the contract, looking like a dork – but hey, the moment is documented!

I wrote this first book two years ago, in the fall/winter of 2010. The idea was inspired by a Halloween party – yep, a party – a witches party to be exact. The one I throw every year with the fun, amazing, crazy women in my family. For the party that year, I wanted to go all out, wanted it to be epic ’cause I found a killer location. So I did a lot of research into Wicca and the history of witches. I had all this amazing information (and a mild obsession) and my husband, very practically and brilliantly, said, “You need to write a witch book.”

This is the 100 year old Camp Floyd School House, where we had the party that year. So creepy and great inspiration!

And so I did and BLOOD MOON was born, a magical novel aimed at older teens and anyone who loves a good witch book. Here’s a little teaser…

Simon walks into the Twelve Acres Diner and Willa feels him with every part of her body and soul. Standing face to face, in a swirl of febrile heat, the two young strangers are drawn together, lassoed by an electric energy they can’t define. Strangeness has always existed in both their lives. For Willa it’s the dreams and the ghosts. For Simon it’s the ability to heal and sense others’ emotions, sometimes thoughts. These abilities have always kept them separate from family, friends – everyone – but now the Magic has brought them together.

Across town a witch is being held prisoner in the basement of an old Victorian home. After Willa sees the witch’s filthy, scarred hand reaching out a window, she and Simon are catapulted into the magical, but dangerous world of witchcraft. Now the couple must make a choice: join the True Covens and use their Gifts to help stop a Dark witch with ancient powers or turn their backs on who they really are.

BLOOD MOON will be released in the summer of 2013.

I can’t wait!!! And until then, as my agent Jenn says, I will be shouting it from the rooftops and loving every minute of the journey.

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